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About Us

Children discover the world around them when they play.

They bring their natural spontaneity and enthusiasm to what they will later learn to call science.

Our books feed this joyous approach to life.

In our stories, the characters watch a caterpillar grow and shed its skin. They protect the cocoon from predators as it becomes a butterfly.

They look up to watch starlings form a murmuration.

They pick up rocks and find ladybugs’ winter homes.

We retell folktales with different endings.

Chicken Little makes the same discovery as Isaac Newton, instead of terrifying the kingdom with tales of a falling sky.


The Three Little Pigs go to architect school and learn to look for useful ways to find good in the unpleasant.

We are parents, researchers, and teachers who write.
We are artists who love exploring the world around us.
Our books are beautiful and subversive. Play is the best form of learning.

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Look Under Rocks
Gripper Products
787 N 24th Street
Philadelphia PA 19130
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